The Pentateuch (Jason Steeves) Discount

There are certain habits that you should develop in order to benefit from studying the Bible. You should accept the Bible just as it is, read the Bible with an open mind, read the Bible thoughtfully, keep a pencil at hand, form habitual and systematic reading, read a certain time each day, memorize the names of the Bible books, and finally, memorize favorite verses.
The world powers during Pentateuchal times in chronological order are: the Egyptian Empire ca. 2000-1200 B.C.; the Assyrian Empire ca. 1076-612 B.C.; the Babylonian Empire ca. 612-539 B.C.; the Persian Empire ca. 539-332 B.C.; the Greek Empire ca. 332-146 B.C.; the Roman Empire ca. 146 B.C.-A.D. 476. From studying these dates, one can learn that there was no world unity such as the United Nations of today that control the overpowering of nations and to prevent war crimes as set out in the Geneva Convention. Only the strong survived in those times and the mightiest nation came to power and held it as long as they could.  The outstanding facts about Jerusalem are the importance of it s location, the topography, the history of David capturing the city, Jerusalem under Solomon, the time span of Jerusalem between Solomon and its destruction, the rebuilding of Jerusalem, and Jerusalem under Herod the Great.  The world powers during Biblical times were: the Egyptian Empire ca. 2000-1200 B.C.; the Assyrian Empire ca. 1076-612 B.C.; the Babylonian Empire ca. 612-539 B.C.; the Persian Empire ca. 539-332 B.C.; the Greek Empire ca. 332-146 B.C.; and the Roman Empire ca. 146 B.C.-A.D. 476.  Archeological discoveries of many clay tablets dating before the time of Abraham have been found in the ruins of Babylon, Nineveh, Nippur, and Ashur have been found and depict a version of the Creation Hymn that is startlingly similar, based on the culture by which they were written. The only outstanding difference between the Creation Hymn and all other versions is that theirs are polytheistic while our is obviously monotheistic.
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